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FAQs > Ocean plastics

How much plastic is in the ocean?

According to the World Economic Forum, there are ~150 million metric tons of plastic in our oceans today. Each year 8 MILLION metric tons of plastic pollution enters our oceans. That’s equivalent to one city dump truck per minute. By 2025, the ratio of plastic to fish will be 1:3, and by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Studying these shocking stats is what lead us to start creating REBO.

What are ‘plastic islands’?

Plastic islands refer to masses of aggregated plastic pollution in the oceans. As the ocean has become a dumping ground for plastic pollution, we have five plastic islands each with a surface larger than France. Our planet's plastic islands disrupt biodiversity and marine life, and its impact is felt around the globe.

Are you against plastic?

No. We recognize plastic as an important part of the global economy. The real problem is our current usage and lack of recycling. Most plastics are used once (single-use plastics) and thrown away. Consider that it takes 450 years for a plastic water bottle to degrade. We have made progress in recycling plastics, but today only~9%of plastic gets recycled worldwide. 

What happens to the plastic that is collected by REBO’s partner, Parley

After collectors part of the Parley Global Cleanup Network intercepts plastic waste, the plastic is cleaned, recycled, and processed into Parley Ocean Plastic®, a range of new premium materials, which replaces virgin plastic while raising awareness and empowering creators in the sports, fashion, finance and luxury industries to transform products into symbols of change.

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